Case Studies

Dr. Dror Harari and Simon Will
Dr. Dror Harari and Simon Will

Case Studies

Israeli performance art after the Yom Kippur War, the accumulated and evolving activities of Gob Squad collective, Paul Celan’s Jerusalem Poems cycle, and the Tragedia Endogonidia series of performances by Castellucci are all case studies explored on this day of the conference. Through action, a space is created. In these cases, the concept of “place” is formed through the validity of the actions. By examining these cases, we will extract the creation of place through its relationship with action, body, beliefs, and stances.


The map, the territory, and the question of Israeli identity / Dr. Dror Harari 

The talk will focus on two performance works from the 1970s: “Territorial Imperative” (1976) by Joshua Neustein and “Territory – Living Space” (1977) by Michael Druks. These works emerged after the Yom Kippur War and against the backdrop of territorial issues arising with the signing of the peace agreement between Egypt and Israel. Both artists, one a wandering Jew and the other having relocated to England, criticized the zionist vision and questioned their place and identity within the context of Israeli territorial command.


Methods of Gathering / Simon Will

In over 30 years of practice, Gob Squad has produced more than 60 projects that often combine site sensitive, interactive and screen based elements. Gob Squad core member Simon Will draws upon the process of making some of these works through the lens of “our place”, including their most recent work in which the collective attempts to get to know and understand the local neighborhood of the hosting theater.


*Free with pre-registration

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