
Hila Cohen-Schneiderman, Dr. Yorai Sella, Michal Helfman, Dr. Melila Hellner-Eshed, Dr. Hagai Eisenberg. Eitan Ben Moshe
Hila Cohen-Schneiderman, Dr. Yorai Sella, Michal Helfman, Dr. Melila Hellner-Eshed, Dr. Hagai Eisenberg. Eitan Ben Moshe


After a period of extreme individualism in which we emphasized ourselves as isolated individuals, we are once again in need of structures that create and sustain the spaces that surround and support us. The current session invites us to look at Place in its broader sense, as a product of relationships between particular-singular particles. During this session, we will examine the components of the universe and existence through three perspectives:

A psychoanalytic prism, which offers an examination of the field of relationships that structure the self; a mystical-cabalistic prism, which establishes direct relationships with the spiritual place, and touches on how particles hold the awareness of the whole within them; a physical prism, which understands the universe as a quantum entanglement, based on the perception of the state of affairs as relational and processual.


14:00-14:20 Opening Remarks / Hila Cohen-Schneiderman

14:20-15:10 The Place Where the Seen Caresses the Eye / Dr. Yorai Sella

15:10-15:40 Conversation / Dr. Yorai Sella, Michal Helfman, and Hila Cohen-Schneiderman

16:00-16:50 The Place of the World and the Place Without Place / Dr. Melila Hellner-Eshed

17:00-17:40 (Not) Knowing a Place: On Locality and Non-Locality in Quantum Theory / Dr. Hagai Eisenberg

17:45-18:15 Summary: Thoughts on Art in the Unified Field / Eitan Ben Moshe


*Free with pre-registration

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